We will be making some adjustments in our daily appointment scheduling that will allow us to best practice social distancing.

We ask our clients to call ahead for any medication pickups and to schedule all medical visits over the phone. We will be limiting our availability for services but will prioritize clients whose animals are critical risk deemed by the doctor.

For those clients that attend our clinic on Fridays and Saturdays, we will be making some adjustments in how we provide our service. We will be setting up a sign in booth outside of the hospital and a small tent to administer vaccines as well as deworming. All exams and rechecks will be done inside the hospital for maximum privacy. All clients will be asked to wait inside their vehicles until we are ready to assist them. We ask if you are not feeling well to stay home and ask a single relative/friend who is feeling well to bring your pet for you along with any information/ contact number that is required for the visit.

First and foremost we want to maintain a safe workplace for our employees and our clients.

Our thoughts go out to everyone who has been impacted by this worldwide crisis, as we abide by the recommendations of the CDC. We appreciate your understanding and patience.


Dr. Maxwell Hibi and Staff